
Tackling the IB Maths IA

Tackling the Mathematics Internal Assessment (IA) may look difficult; however, with the right strategy, it can be a rewarding and learning experience. The focus is on considering IA as the unique opportunity to explore a mathematical idea that genuinely interests you, rather than just another assignment to complete.

Selecting the Topic 

You need to initiate by choosing a topic that focuses on sparking your curiosity. If it's anything you faced in class or a mathematical idea associated with your hobbies, the best IAs focus on stemming from the genuine interest. For example, if you focus on enjoying sports, you need to consider exploring statistics regarding the game performance. If you like music, then you need to delve into the maths of sound waves. The highly passionate you become regarding the topic, the highly engaged your IA be.


After the topic selection, the next important phase involves structuring the IA efficiently. Start with the introduction, which states your research aim or question. It is important to follow this with the aim that explains why you selected this topic and how you plan to approach it. Ensure that your methodology is well-explained and logical - this is where you will detail the overall mathematical procedures you would use to explore the topic.

Mathematical Exploration

Mathematical exploration is at the heart of the math IA. This specific section must focus on showcasing your proper understanding of the mathematics involved. Be precise and thorough in the calculations and assure to explain all the phases properly. It is not only regarding getting the correct answer but demonstrating that you understand the whole process.


In the final part, you need to add a conclusion that summarized the whole Math IA. You must also include a proper reflection on what you have learned during the whole exploration. It is important to discuss any relevant challenges or issues you have faced and how you overcame them. Conclude by providing summary of the whole findings and discussing their relevant implications.


It is crucial to start early. Give yourself sufficient time to refine and revise your IA.  Do not hesitate getting the feedback from the peers or teachers. With genuine interest and careful planning in the topic, you would develop the IA that scores well and also improve your appreciation for mathematics.

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