
Guide to IB MYP Program

International Baccalaureate (IB) education is a global education system. Available in 108 countries, IB education is a highly acclaimed programme worldwide. It offers different programmes for students studying at different levels between the ages of 3 and 19 years. The classification of IB programmes is as follows.

  • IB Primary Years Programme (IBYP) - Students aged between 3-12 years
  • IB Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) - Students aged between 11-16 years
  • IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) - Students aged between 16-19 years

At IB Scholars, we provide IB guidance for students of any level of IB education. Whether you are looking for ib chemistry hl tutor in Dubai or a general tutor, feel free to connect with us.

IB Middle Years Programme (IBMYP)

The IB MYP is a 5-year programme designed for students between the ages of 11-16 years. It is based on eight subjects i.e. Language Acquisition, Language and Literature, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, Arts, Physical and Health Education, and Design.

The purpose of IBMYP is to enable young minds to make connections between their studies and their practical use in the real world. It enhances the skills and capabilities of the students to bring their learning to practical use.

IBMYP instils an ability in the child to comprehend complex technical and theoretical facts. Moreover, the programme engages the students to think and implement their knowledge for practical use. It also creates a sense of self-awareness and responsibility among students to come forth and play an active role as responsible citizens of society.

IBMYP also prepares the students to get ready for the IB Diploma Programme which is another crucial development programme that prepares the students' professional development. A student studying under IBMYP becomes eligible to qualify for the later years of education. With a strong base and clarity in fundamentals of all the above-mentioned subjects, students studied under IBMYP can successfully tread the crucial Diploma years.

IB Scholars for Best IB MYP Tuitions in Dubai

IB Scholars offers the best support to IB MYP students. Many students, who wish to secure a place in the most-acknowledged IB Diploma Programme, seek support in the middle years of education. At IB Scholars, we provide complete support to students such as,

  • Tailored Approach to every student
  • Guidance during exams
  • Stress Management
  • Training to get maximum output from students
  • Support for students weak in certain subjects
  • Tips and tricks to grasp the subjects
  • Highly-Qualified and Experienced tutors
  • Tuition for every subject

Whether you are looking for help in mathematics, English, Science or ib literature tutoring in Dubai, we've got you covered.

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