Correct Ways to Use AI Tools for IB Students
The AI tools have taken over like a storm due to their amazing creativity and ease of writing. They have reduced the work burden incredibly for students, writers, researchers, and many others. When it comes to IB, students are eager to know and ask our IB Economics tuitions in Dubai if it is alright to incorporate the use of AI tools in their assignments. In this regard, the IB policies are quite clear. The IB system understands that using the technology is not helpful and instead, it should be used smartly to improve student's learning experience and enable them to be proactive in adapting to the technology. However, the IB has clearly stated instructions on the use of AI tools.
“Students should be aware that the IB does not regard any work produced—even only in part—by such tools, to be their own. Therefore, as with any quote or material from another source, it must be clear that AI-generated text, image or graph included in a piece of work, has been copied from such software. The software must be credited in the body of the text and appropriately referenced in the bibliography.â€
Use of AI Tools for IB Students
Al tools are a great source for background research. Just like you use an internet search engine to gather information about a certain topic, you could use an AI tool to gather the information. However, you must verify the information gathered from AI from original sources as well as not all AI tools feature up-to-date information. However, if you are using direct quotes from the AI tools, then make sure to mention them clearly in the bibliography. Even if you are using a quote from an AI tool, use it in quotation marks and mention such as, “The use of AI tool for IB Students….†(text taken from Chat GPT, 2023).
In the bibliography, you should follow the instruction of referencing style given by your school. As a general rule, you should contain the prompt you have given the AI tool for conducting research along with the date on which the tool generated the response.
In conclusion, the use of AI tools is unavoidable and students should familiarize themselves with the correct way of using them. It is a great way to bring more credibility and finesse to the research supported by modern techniques. At IB Scholars, we provide additional help to students to navigate the challenges of their IB education journey. We also offer the Best IB chemistry Tutors in Dubai along with others such as for physics, English, Math, and so on.